12 Examples Of How Windows BSODs Can Strike Anywhere

Your PC ran into a problem again. 🙁 “” data-modal-id=”single-image-modal” data-modal-container-id=”single-image-modal-container” data-img-caption=””””> Just about everyone is familiar with the infamous Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This splash screen is … Read more

Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

Published on May 05, 2024

12 Examples Of How Windows BSODs Can Strike Anywhere

Your PC ran into a problem again. 🙁

“” data-modal-id=”single-image-modal” data-modal-container-id=”single-image-modal-container” data-img-caption=””””>

A photo of a blue screen of death

Just about everyone is familiar with the infamous Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). This splash screen is displayed when the operating system encounters an error where it’s unable to recover and needs to reboot the system. A BSOD can be caused by software, hardware, or Windows itself. While we normally see such errors on desktop and laptop PCs, it is possible to spot a BSOD in public since many devices run Windows. We’ve rounded up some of the most hilarious instances a BSOD was spotted.

12 Fast food self-service kiosks


BSOD at a McDonald's self-service kiosk
Source: Reddit

“Can I take your order? Actually, please give me a minute while I reboot.” This BSOD was spotted inside a McDonald’s fast-food restaurant on one of the self-service kiosks. Unfortunately, with a displayed BSOD, no chicken nuggets could be ordered without venturing to a nearby working screen or hitting up the front desk.

11 PC display units


MSI Cyborg 15 BSOD
Source: Reddit

Even display units aren’t immune to the dreaded BSOD! Check out this “thin and powerful” MSI Cyborg 15 laptop with a screen that would fill any potential buyer with the utmost confidence. It may be compact, portable, and powerful, but with Windows displaying a BSOD, all that would go to waste if you’re unable to use the laptop. Oops.

10 Airports

When’s your connecting flight? Who knows! These airports were having trouble displaying advertisements or information to passengers inside the respective terminals. So long as the primary flight displays are unaffected, everything is good, but should this BSOD issue spread to other screens, that’s when things take a turn for the worse.

9 Italian public information display


Public info display BIOS
Source: Reddit

Have you ever gazed at a bus information board and wondered what the BIOS would look like for the system powering the display, now’s your chance with this capture from Italy. Instead of displaying local bus route timetables, passengers are greeted by system information in English.

8 Sad Sim Lim Tower


Sim Lim Tower BSOD
Source: Reddit

The Sim Lim Tower in Singapore was upset with the local populace for some unknown reason. It absolutely isn’t Windows encountering an issue and needing to reboot.

7 Port of Barcelona


Port of Barcelona BSOD
Source: Reddit

This capture of a road sign near the Port of Barcelona is brilliant, largely due to the screen resolution and cut-off only showing the unhappy ASCII smiley. If you weren’t technically savvy and saw this screen while driving, you would wonder why the port is unhappy today.

6 Pinalli shop displays


Pinalli shop display POST
Source: Reddit

American Standard, meet Pinalli shop displays. This unexpected duo would have caused a few passing by to stop and wonder what was going on inside this store. It’s not quite a BSOD, but is most definitely a sight to behold as the system cycles through POST.

5 Mall Death Star


BSOD Mall Sphere
Source: Reddit

I hope this mall was currently playing the Imperial March when this BSOD took place. It’s a BSOD sphere! You can experience the Windows crash from all angles, which makes this one of the more immersive BSODs in our collection.

4 Elevators


BIOS in an elevator
Source: Reddit

Going up… or down… I’m not sure. There was bound to be an elevator BSOD at some point in this collection and we managed to spot one even better. What would you think about boarding an elevator only to gaze at a BIOS screen instead of what I assume would be an advertisement or information panel?

3 Blue Screen Man


Blue Screen Man
Source: Reddit

What has been dubbed the “Blue Screen Man” can be seen proudly holding up a BSOD with a lifeless grin. Tell us all about your latest BSOD product and how it will transform the lives of everyone who sees this advertisement.

2 Mall pillar display


BSOD on a mall pillar display
Source: Reddit

This BSOD spotted inside a mall looks more like an art piece than a displayed system error. The way the panels were installed up the pillar created a cool effect with the BSOD wrapping around.

1 Immersive BSOD sensory room


School's sensory room BSOD
Source: Reddit

What’s better than a single BSOD? Multiple, of course! This school sensory room encountered a problem and the end result looks like an immersive video game. It’s absolutely brilliant aside from the fact there’s a system crash somewhere in the building.

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