20 Years On And People Are Still Making These 8 Tech Mistakes

Technology is incredible and has completely transformed our lives. Technological advancements paved the way for unimaginable hardware, including watches with integrated electronics, more efficient planes, and the Internet as we … Read more

Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

Published on Jul 14, 2024

20 Years On And People Are Still Making These 8 Tech Mistakes

Technology is incredible and has completely transformed our lives. Technological advancements paved the way for unimaginable hardware, including watches with integrated electronics, more efficient planes, and the Internet as we know it today. It’s not all roses, however, and there are still some mistakes that people make that have been made for the past few decades. I will run through a few — see how many you are guilty of.

1 Use weak passwords

Please use a password manager!

Screenshot of the Bitwarden password generator

Password123. Yes, people still use this to secure an online account. We all understand how much of a struggle it is to remember different passwords, but this is where a password manager comes into play. All you need to do is use one easy-to-remember master password and then allow the service to generate scrambled passwords for each added account. We’ve covered password managers extensively on XDA and stand by using them in our daily lives. If you don’t yet use one, now’s a good time to start.

Best free password manager app featured image with logos


Best free password managers in 2024

Here are some good options to consider if you are looking to try a password manager, but don’t want to pay a premium right away.

2 No backup plan

Employ the 3-2-1 rule


Do you back up all your data? If not, you’re not alone. There are so many options available for backing up sensitive data yet still many choose not to employ a backup strategy. Network-attached storage (NAS) is a great way to back up all the devices in your life and then some, but all you really need is a drive capable of holding everything you want saved. Follow the 3-2-1 rule: three backup copies, using two storage types, and one stored off-site.

Surface Pro 8 with SSD for backup


How to back up your Windows 11 PC

Want to keep a full copy of your PC in case something goes wrong? Or just back up your files? It’s made easy with Windows 11’s system tools.

3 Run outdated software

Check for updates

Screenshot showing Windows update page in Settings app

Windows Update can get in the way of doing things on your PC but it’s an invaluable tool to ensure you’re running the latest software updates from Microsoft and partners. The same goes for other hardware like your phone. Keep everything automatically updated and you’ll be enjoying the latest and greatest releases. If you rely on older versions of software, you could run the risk of something breaking or a security vulnerability being exploited.

4 Pointless hardware upgrades

Do you really need a new phone?

The iPhone 12 in white.

Humans love shiny new things. Once the appeal of a new device wears off, you’ll naturally want a new replacement. The speed at which technology has been iterated and released in the last few decades has not helped matters. Smartphones are among the worst culprits with new models being released annually. Do you really need the new model? I’m still using an iPhone 12, which still holds charge and performs well with the latest version of iOS. Keep using technology until it no longer runs as designed.

5 Trusting public Wi-Fi too much

Anyone could see what you’re doing

Netgear router with IoT, Guest, and standard Wi-Fi shown on an Android phone

Public wireless networks are fine for getting online and browsing the web, watching a few videos, and maybe performing some tasks that don’t involve accounts or sensitive data. For many things you’d typically do at home or in the office, however, public networks aren’t a great place to be. The main problem here is security. It’s a public network for a reason, allowing anyone with access to connect and get online. The issue is, should someone go onto the Wi-Fi with nefarious intent, they could snoop into your connection.

If you can, use a VPN whenever possible. Always ensure the website you’re browsing uses SSL and has a valid certificate and be smart about what apps and services you use.

Best VPNs.


Best VPN providers in 2024

VPNs have become extremely common these days, and there are almost too many options for both free and paid VPNs.

Don’t let criminals know when you’re away

Previewing camera feed within Surveillance Station

No one needs to know what you’re currently doing, especially when on holiday. Whenever you’re away from home, try not to post about it on social media until you return. Should this information prematurely become public, a malicious party may visit your home. Home surveillance systems are considerably more accessible these days with Ring being a popular brand from Amazon. It’s cloud-based, affordable, and lets you keep tabs on your home when away.

7 Not correctly charging device batteries

Remember: 30 – 70% 👍

StandBy Mode on the Satechi Wireless Foldable Charger.

Did you know that the lithium-ion battery inside your smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, and even your electric vehicle has a certain number of cycles before it starts to degrade considerably? A good rule of thumb to follow is to keep any device with a battery between 30 – 70%. This is why you may notice such hardware slows their charging rates toward the higher end of their capacities. It’s also not a good idea to leave a device fully depleted and I would suggest disconnecting the power source when the battery is full.

8 Turning the keyboard into a plate

Give it a clean every couple of weeks

The surface of a dirty laptop keyboard.

We’re likely all guilty of eating food over a keyboard with a few crumbs dropping, but have you cleaned the device? Even if you don’t eat at the PC, dust and other particles can still make their way between the keycaps to the baseplate. Cleaning a keyboard is easy but does take some time to carefully remove all the keycaps. It’s worth doing every other week, especially if you want to keep it in pristine condition.

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