Android 15 Offers “Find My Device” When Device is Powered Off

Android Users Will Have a Find My Feature Now Better Than iPhone Users The new feature coming to Android 15 called “Powered Off Finding” for Google Pixel devices. This feature … Read more

Taylor Bell

Taylor Bell

Published on Apr 05, 2024

Android Users Will Have a Find My Feature Now Better Than iPhone Users

The new feature coming to Android 15 called “Powered Off Finding” for Google Pixel devices. This feature allows users to locate their Pixel phone even when it’s powered off.

Currently, if your Android phone is stolen and turned off, there’s no way to track it with Find My Device. Powered Off Finding changes that by enabling the phone to broadcast Bluetooth signals even with the battery off.

Android 15 brings exciting improvements to the Pixel 8 series, including a feature that allows you to find your Pixel 8 even when it’s powered off! Here’s how it works:

  • Works by storing Bluetooth beacons in the Bluetooth controller’s memory.
  • Lets you find your Pixel for a few hours after it’s powered off (until the Bluetooth battery drains).
  • Might be available on Pixel 8 series initially, with potential rollout to other flagship phones later.
  • Requires specific hardware, so older Pixel devices may not support it.
  • Find My Device Network: Android 15 introduces the Find My Device network, which lets Android devices communicate with each other via Bluetooth. When enabled, billions of Android devices will ping each other, aiding in locating lost devices.
  • Powered Off Finding: Most Android devices can’t broadcast Bluetooth beacons when powered off because their Bluetooth controllers stop receiving power. However, Google has developed a solution called Powered Off Finding. This feature allows a device to store precomputed Bluetooth beacons in its memory, enabling it to continue broadcasting even when powered off. 📡
  • Hardware Support: Not all devices can use Powered Off Finding. The device must have hardware support for powering the Bluetooth controller while other components are shut down. Additionally, manufacturers need to update their devices to Android 15 to enable this feature.
  • Pixel 8 and Pixel 8 Pro: These Google devices are likely to support Powered Off Finding once they update to Android 15. So, even if your Pixel 8 is powered off, it can still broadcast Bluetooth beacons for nearby devices to pick up.

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